All You Need To Know About Ultrasonic Technology
Surely, you are already familiar with Ultrasonic technology, because it is one of the most popular and effective facial therapies. With this technique, you can achieve clean, fresh, well-groomed skin without comedones and blackheads (blackhead). And you can get such a result not only in the beautician’s office, but also at home, with the help of a modern Ultrasonic device from PRAIMY.
Ultrasonic – what is it?
This is a technology designed for deep ultrasonic facial cleansing. The method helps to cleanse the skin of “garbage” in the form of clogged pores, small comedones, blackheads, deposited fatty secretions and dead epidermal cells. Thanks to this effect, the skin becomes soft, tender and more youthful in appearance. The skin coating is evened out, becoming cleaner, well-groomed and healthy.
Previously, the ultrasonic cleaning procedure was available only in beauty salons. But now everyone can use the portable Ultrasonic device. Affordable price and clinically proven effectiveness make this device a top choice for hardware skin care at home.
There are different types of Ultrasonic devices. Some of them combine several types of technologies in one device. PRAIMY offers 2 of the most popular and effective ultrasonic skin cleansing devices: Multifunctional Premium Skin Scrubber (with RF technology) and Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber (with +ION/-ION technology).
How it works?
The principle of operation of ultrasonic scrubbers is very simple. Devices emit ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 25000-28000 Hz, which contribute to such a deep and thorough cleansing of the skin of the face. Ultrasonic vibrations of high frequency penetrate into the surface layer of the skin and cleanse it.
An important condition for the use of ultrasonic cleaning devices is the correct preparation of the skin for the procedure. First, be sure to open the pores or loosen them, including with the help of a special GLOW ROSE Conducting Gel from PRAIMY, and only then clean with a scrubber. If you do everything right, the device will easily and painlessly remove the keratinized epidermis from the skin. You will literally immediately after the procedure see how the relief has leveled off, and you will also feel how the skin begins to “breathe”.
About the procedure
The procedure of Ultrasonic-cleansing of the skin consists of 3 stages: preparation, cleaning and care. The duration of cleaning with the help of the device does not exceed 5 minutes. The total duration of a session of 3 stages is about 45 minutes. It is important to do the procedure comprehensively and in stages:
Open or loosen your pores. To do this, apply GLOW ROSE Conducting Gel to the skin and put on a special film or Silicone Mask on your face. Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes to soften your pores.
Then remove the mask from your face and, without washing off the gel, clean the skin with an Ultrasonic device. Tilt the spatula at a 45-degree angle, pressing lightly on the skin and move the scrubber along the face (from bottom to top). Do it slowly, without strong pressure, because all the “garbage” is cleared precisely thanks to ultrasound, and not pressure force. Session time – up to 5 minutes.
After cleaning with a scrubber, be sure to disinfect the skin and do not forget about toning;
Finish off with the Clay Mask, which will shrink your pores by leaving it on the skin for 20 minutes;
And finally, apply a care cream or Anti-Aging Hydration Serum LOTUS BLOOM to moisturize or nourish the skin of the face.
The frequency of ultrasonic cleaning depends on the type of skin. Do the procedure as needed, but no more than once every 2 weeks.
What are the results of therapy?
Ultrasonic technology, in addition to deep cleansing, helps to activate cell metabolism and improve blood circulation. The technology also has such an effect on the skin:
- Promotes the disappearance of black and white dots (blackhead), comedones and blackheads;
- Exfoliates the upper and keratinized particles of the skin;
- Narrows the ducts of the sebaceous glands, improves their work;
- Helps to even out the skin texture;
- Makes the skin fresher and more elastic;
- Improves cell nutrition;
Promotes regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin.
The effect will be noticeable immediately after the first procedure. But in order for the result to be prolonged, it is necessary to do ultrasonic cleaning regularly.
It is worth noting that the procedure is painless, because the skin is not amenable to mechanical stress. The main thing is to do everything in stages and carefully study the instructions before use.
Advantages of Ultrasonic Devices for Home Use
Devices for home use with Ultrasonic technology – portable and comfortable to use;
Multiple modes available. Standard modes: continuous and pulsed. The first performs the function of peeling, and the second – massage;
The device has a comfortable shape and light weight. This makes the use of an ultrasonic scrubber convenient even for a long session;
Ultrasonic technology can be combined with LED, RF, microcurrent and other therapies. For example, Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber additionally has +ION / -ION technology, and Multifunctional Premium Skin Scrubber has 5 modes, including RF and LED.
What else do you need to know about ultrasonic?
Cleaning with ultrasonic scrubbers is a simple procedure that almost anyone can do at home on their own. But at the same time, some important nuances must be taken into account. For example, face scrubbing with an Ultrasonic device should be done after preparing the skin with a special water gel to loosen and soften the skin pores.
In no case do not perform the procedure on dry skin. Be sure to use a serum or a special water-based gel. And do not forget about soothing masks and additional care after ultrasonic cleaning. This is the only way to achieve the desired result.
Despite the fact that the procedure is suitable for all skin types and does not carry health risks, pregnant women and women during lactation should avoid ultrasonic scrubbing. Also, if you have health problems, it is recommended to consult your doctor.
Feel all the benefits of Ultrasonic technology with a certified device from PRAIMY! Now beauty and youth are completely in your hands!